Ronda’s Bio

Ronda Radford Preacher has a heart for teaching. She has taught in several high schools in the country as well as on the college level over a period of 35 years. She was a high school vice principal in a Christian school on the California coast before she began writing English curriculum and textbooks. Her experience as a homeschool mom gave her an added dimension to teaching.

Ronda’s pastimes include traveling in Europe, Yosemite, California, and Florida. And it is worth mentioning that the last few summers she and her husband have gone on walk-a-bout holidays in England where they have trekked over the beautiful countryside.

She has been married to Stephen, her Southern gentleman, for over forty years and lives in Central Virginia where she is currently writing her next novel. Her husband is a professor of International Business at Liberty University and they both love to travel in the summer.

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