
Ronda Preacher - Christian AuthorWelcome!

Thank you for taking the time to visit with me on the website. Let’s get to know each other!

My goal is to write stories about beautiful romance (where would we be without that?) with just the right dose of suspense and intrigue.

Stories that uplift. Stories that are realistic and aren’t afraid to expose the evils in this world. Stories that create real characters with real-life personalities. Stories that are as inspiring as they are exciting. Stories that keep us on the edge of our seats with suspense. And above all, stories that honor and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ and point the reader to God. Nothing we do outside the path on which He leads is worth doing.

Almost all Christian fiction authors thank our Lord, thank their family and support group, and thank their editors who have helped mold their writing.

Far be it from me to stray very far from that pattern! So a huge “thank you” to those who have heartened me when the way seemed long and tough, those who have sweetly but emphatically critiqued and edited my work, and to my dear readers who have been overwhelmingly encouraging. Thank you! And there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not thankful to the Lord for His watchful care and leading, His grace and mercy to me, His bountiful blessing, and His unconditional love.

One of the most fulfilling and gratifying comments my readers have said is, “I can’t wait for your next book. I couldn’t put this one down.”  My deepest thanks and appreciation goes to those who have taken the time to tell me you enjoyed Coastal Secrets. It is humbling to hear your remarks!

And a little hint for those of you who keep asking – – yes, I’m starting to formulate the next book. I think you’ll like it. More to come on that later!

If you want to read some interesting facts about the places in my novel and some fascinating details I found in my research, please check out the For Readers tab.

I would love to hear from you. Just go to the Connect With Ronda tab and drop me a note.